
XL Recordings, Ibeyi
Caroline Yang, Daniela Londono, Eleonora nitopi, Hajar Deen & Kitty Chan

XL recordings challenged us to immerse ourselves into the world of Ibeyi. Redefining the concept, narrative and aesthetic campaign of Ibeyi relaunching their album “Spell 31”.  Challenging us to incorporate Ibeyi into the modern digital landscape, whilst creating authentic connections with their audience. Re-imagining the world of Ibeyi through an immersive and digital outcome, placing focus on Ibeyi’s live shows as their main platform to connect with the world.

“How can Ibeyi authentically connect with their fans through multiple platforms and mixed media to produce an intentional 360 visual campaign?”

The Concept

Through our extensive research, we were able to produce a final concept that we felt fulfilled in creating an authentic 360 creative campaign with Ibeyi. Taking the audience on a holistic, spiritual and non-linear healing journey through Ibeyi’s spell 31 album.
IBEYi 360 Campaign
IBEYi Journey
IBEYi concept: The Healing Journey
IBEYi concept: The Healing framework
IBEYi concept: Non-linear narratives
IBEYi concept: Colour & Sound


Redefining the original brief and creating our own manifesto to encapsulate the core of the concept.  

Design Management

Using the design squiggle as a design framework to help further design thinking and communications throughout the project.

360 Campaign: Concept Film

We wanted to create a album concept film that would become an embodiment of our holistic concept. Creating a non-linear healing framework of ‘Spell 31’, categorising each sound into themes of healing through colour grading.

PLANNING OF ibeyi conceptual film

ibeyi concept film stills

final ibeyi concept film

360 Campaign: Immersive Installation; Soundbath (Pt. 1)

For the immersive installation we wanted to make it a two part experience. A journey from healing with Ibeyi to immersing into the Ibeyi world.

1. A soundbath using Ibeyi’s beats and music to create a safe healing space where the audience can being their healing journey with Ibeyi.

2. Creating a mirrored fragmented installation showcasing the final concept film.

As our concept was to utilise sound, music and colours to create a holistic healing journey with Ibeyi, we blended Ibeyi’s music and beats with the healing frequency of 440 Hz. Conscious about creating correlations between the concept fim and soundbath, using the same colour grading to flood the space.

soundbath immersive installation initial design

soundbath immersive installation finalised design 

soundbath immersive installation finalised design (interior)

soundbath immersive installation 3D print 
soundbath immersive installation 3D print with light projection

soundbath immersive installation 3D print with light projection (interior)

soundbath immersive installation Visual 1
soundbath immersive installation Visual 2
soundbath immersive installation Visual 3

360 Campaign: Immersive Installation; Mirrored Fragments

(Pt. 2)

We wanted this space to be the final showcase for the concept video, thinking about how these different fragments reflect and come together to create one holistic journey, reflective of the healing framework in our concept. Creating a grand installation that people could immerse themselves into the concept and Ibeyi. We also thought this would be a great venue for Ibeyi to do a pop-up concert/performance of their new album.  
Ibeyi immersive installation sketchup planning
Ibeyi immersive installation sketch planning

Ibeyi immersive installation process

Ibeyi immersive installation final scale model

Ibeyi immersive installation final mockup on scale model

360 Campaign: Hotspot Campaign

We wanted to create a widespread campaign around London to bring in local communities as well as engage their existing audience.

We wanted to utilise a personable yet artistic approach, creating a scavenger hunt around London. Using postcards hidden around London that allowed the finder to keep an unique and original piece of Ibeyi artwork, whilst also acting as an exclusive invitation to Ibeyi’s installation concept film screening. This campaign also engages social media, transversing between the physical and digital realm.
Campaign hotspot map
Campaign hotspot map (DETAILed)
Campaign hotspot invitation (front + back)
Campaign hotspot invitation artwork (all)

360 Campaign: Merch

Inspired by the illustrations on Ibeyi’s website, as a group we decided to implement a personal touch through sketches and embroidery, allowing the audience to feel more connected and engaged with Ibeyi.  As part of the merch, we created a lyric book, reimagined vinyl, accessories and clothings.

Ibeyi ‘spell 31’ lyric book

Ibeyi ‘spell 31’ reimagined VINYL mockup (closed)
Ibeyi ‘spell 31’ reimagined VINYL mockup (open)
Ibeyi ‘spell 31’ merch (stickers, photo locket)
Ibeyi ‘spell 31’ Merch (apparel)
Ibeyi ‘spell 31’ Merch (accessories)

Let’s Collaborate!

I am an art director and interior architect from Hong Kong, based in London. Through a multi-disciplinary approach, I holistically integrate analogue and digital exploration to disrupt and challenge preconceived notions. My work is concept-driven, navigating the intersectionality between architecture, experiential design, and visual communication to curate a multi-sensory platform that delves into the intangible realm of the third space.

 Get to know more about me here.